Sunday, August 31, 2014

lemongrass / citronella panacea to overcome insomnia (difficulty sleeping)

assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
insomnia? make sure you read this article yea ...
turns lemongrass / citronella is a panacea to eliminate diseases or unusual sleep disorder known as insomnia
       So how to do to cultivate it? way quite easily. if you include people with mild insomnia, adequate consumption of the stalk sere day. but if people with insomnia and weight, then the stalk daily consumption at breakfast and during the afternoon. This lemongrass if you can be anything you like. suppose fry mixed with food or ground just then eaten. if it still tastes of each. which is important when processing try not lost all nutritional content.

Citronella is an herbal plant from the grass family Poaceae. Citronella is a kind of tall grass originating from tropical Asia. Lemongrass plant trunked coarse, tufted with leaves amid growing on thick bunches. Lemongrass grows with the cluster, and the height is about 3 feet.

Besides its use for culinary, lemongrass also has various medicinal benefits that are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial and utilized throughout Southeast Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Is shed aromatic lemongrass essential nutrients that provide a wide range of health benefits. Citronella is a source of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin) B5 (pantothenic acid), pyridoxine, folate and vitamin C. It also provides essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese , copper, zinc and iron needed for healthy body function. Lemon grass contains no harmful cholesterol or fat.

some other lemongrass for health benefits is that it can help reduce stomach disorders, respiratory disorders, fever, pain, infections, arthritis and edema. Antioxidant defense lemongrass herb helps to maintain cholesterol levels, cellular health, nervous system, healthy skin and immune system. Citronella is also effective in treating type 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity and helps detoxification. It is widely used in aromatherapy and helps to reduce fatigue, anxiety and body odor.

serai/ sereh obat mujarab mengatasi insomnia

assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
insomnia? pastikan anda baca artikel ini ya...
ternyata sereh/serai adalah obat mujarab untuk menghilangkan penyakit gangguan tidur atau biasa kita kenal sebagai insomnia
      nah  gimana caranya untuk mengolahnya? carany cukup gampang. bila anda termasuk pengidap insomnia ringan, cukup konsumsi sere satu tangkai sehari. tetapi kalo and pengidap insomnia berat, maka konsumsi tangkai sehari saat saapan dan saat sore hari. sere ini bisa kalian olah menjadi apapun yang kalian suka. misalkan dicampur dengan makanan berkuah atau ditumbuk saja kemudian dimakan. kalo itu sih selera masing-masing. yang penting usahakan saat mengolah kandungan nutrisinya tidak hilang semua.

Sereh merupakan tanamna herbal dari keluarga rumput Poaceae. Sereh adalah jenis rumput yang tinggi berasal dari daerah tropis Asia. Tanaman sereh berbatang kasar, berumbai dengan daun tengah yang tumbuh pada tandan yang tebal. Sereh tumbuh dengan tandan yang,  dan tingginya sekitar sekitar 3 meter .

Selain dimanfaatkan untuk kuliner, serai juga memiliki beragam manfaat obat yang bersifat anti-bakteri, anti-jamur dan anti-mikroba dan dimanfaatkan di seluruh Asia Tenggara, benua Afrika dan benua Amerika.

Sereh adalah gudang nutrisi aromatik penting yang memberikan berbagai manfaat kesehatan. Sereh adalah sumber vitamin penting seperti vitamin A, B1 (tiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niasin) B5 (asam pantotenat), pyridoxine, folat dan vitamin C. Juga menyediakan mineral penting seperti potasium , kalsium, magnesium, fosfor, mangan, tembaga, seng dan besi yang dibutuhkan untuk fungsi tubuh yang sehat. Sereh tidak mengandung kolesterol berbahaya atau lemak.

beberapa Manfaat sereh lainnya untuk kesehatan adalah dapat membantu  mengurangi gangguan lambung, gangguan pernafasan, demam, nyeri, infeksi, rematik dan edema. Pertahanan Antioksidan ramuan sereh akan membantu untuk mempertahankan tingkat kolesterol, kesehatan selular, sistem saraf, kulit yang sehat dan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Sereh juga efektif dalam mengobati diabetes tipe 2, kanker, obesitas dan membantu detoksifikasi. Hal ini banyak digunakan dalam aromaterapi dan membantu untuk mengurangi kelelahan, kecemasan dan bau badan.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

solving a laptop (HP 430) often turn itself off because overheating

assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh ...

This time I want to share the experience of solving a laptop (HP 430) often turn itself off because overheating
if my laptop is overheating often die. but now already not ever. want to know how?lets see ....
    I think this was originally a regular problem and I should stop use it if the laptop suddenly died due to overheating (overheating), until one day I've really resentful because every 2 minutes I had to turn on my laptop that's turn off suddenly. I turn it on again, just wrote the results only last 2 minutes after that die from the heat again. I finally unloading my laptop and I clean up all ventilation holes including fan (fan) on my laptop. after that I plug the laptop alive again ... thank God (I guess really can not live, can understand but not yet proficient loading and put up hahaha). but just the same result, every 3 minutes (add a little time) overheating again, turn off again. I dismantled again until last tooling ,  I dislodged everything. the bottom of the motherboard and the processor fan until I open the fan, and processor head sink ... I clean up the fan (a lot of dust that resemble thread) I have clean up, I not sure 100% the problem is in the fan  I open  heat distributor made ​​of copper so of processor turns the paste is dry gan ... finally I was looking for a solution to replace the thermal paste that is already dry use toothpaste (toothpaste). I used pepsodent usual to replace the thermal paste dry reply. simply remove wrote little toothpaste, paste it into fingertips and smooth to the processor ... reassemble back all that I've managed to disassemble .. thank God, my laptop is not often die again ... thanks pepsodent
This picture of my motherboard

Nasakh And mansukh verse of alquran (alquran verse remove and deleted)

Nasakh And mansukh abrogating (verse remove and deleted) in both law and Islamic teachings contained lafadznya various lessons, including to be more ready to accept Islamic law Shari'a seehingga indirect change what has become a habit that has been ingrained in society, such as the prohibition of khamer, pengharamannya in stages, starting from the command of most recent away to proscribe. and many other lessons.

There is a verse in the Quran that will be removed, but the law still berlaku.Dan is contained in the word of Allah, the Exalted,

ما ننسخ من ءاية

"What are the verses that we nasakhkan (unselect)" (Al-Baqarah: 106)

Lafadz deleted Quran are:

الشيخ والشيخة إذا زنيا فارجموهما البتة نكالا من الله و الله عزيز حكيم

"Men who are older (mean: who are married) and older women (mean: who are married) if adultery, then rajamlah both earnest, as a sentence containing a lesson from God, and Allah is Mighty, Wise. "[1]

This is reinforced by riyawat of Umar bin Al-Khathab radhiallahu 'anhu, he said,

لقد خشيت أن يطول بالناس زمان حتى يقول قائل لا نجد الرجم في كتاب الله فيضلوا بترك فريضة أنزلها الله ألا وإن الرجم حق على من زنى وقد أحصن إذا قامت البينة أو كان الحبل أو الاعتراف قال سفيان كذا حفظت ألا وقد رجم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ورجمنا بعده

"I am concerned, the days will be long on humans so that someone will say:" We do not find stoning in the Book of God ", so they have gone astray by leaving an obligation because that has been handed down by God. Remember, the real stoning is haq is on those who commit adultery and he has been married, if the evidence had been upright, or there is a pregnancy, or no recognition ". Sufyan said: "That's what I remember." "Remember, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has done stoning, and we have done stoning after him". [2]

-there also deleted paragraph (dimansukh) and its Legal lafazhnya well as the paragraph about the dairy, just lafadznya no history. 'Aisha radhiallahu' anha said,

كان فيما أنزل من القرآن عشر رضعات معلومات يحرمن ثم نسخن بخمس معلومات فتوفي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهن فيما يقرأ من القرآن

"Previously, in what has been handed down in the Holy Qur'an is:" Ten times that breastfeeding is known, forbid ", then it dinaskh (eliminated) with:" Five times breastfeeding is unknown ". Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam died and that includes the reading of the Qur'an. "[3]

-there also deleted paragraph (dimansukh) lafadznya legal but still remains today,

Delete the paragraph that is, the word of Allah, the Exalted,

يآأيها النبي حرض المؤمنين على القتال إن يكن منكم عشرون صابرون يغلبوا مائتين وإن يكن منكم مائة يغلبوا ألفا من الذين كفروا بأنهم قوم لا يفقهون

"O Prophet, kobarkanlah the spirit of the believers to fight. If there are twenty amongst you who are steadfast they shall overcome two hundred enemies. And if there are a hundred people (the patient) among you, then they can defeat than a thousand unbelievers, because the unbelievers were people who did not understand. "(Al-Anfal: 65)

removed with the word of God,

الئان خفف الله عنكم وعلم أن فيكم ضعفا فإن يكن منكم مائة صابرة يغلبوا مائتين وإن يكن منكم ألف يغلبوا ألفين بإذن الله والله مع الصابرين

"Now God has lightened to you and you know that he has no weaknesses. So if there are among you one hundred who are patient, they shall overcome two hundred; and if there are among you a thousand (steadfast) they shall overcome two thousand people. And Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere. "(Al-Anfal: 66)

Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas radhiallahu 'anhuma,

لما نزلت (إن يكن منكم عشرون صابرون يغلبوا مائتين) شق ذلك على المسلمين حين فرض عليهم أن لا يفر واحد من عشرة فجاء التخفيف فقال (الآن خفف الله عنكم وعلم أن فيكم ضعفا فإن يكن منكم مائة صابرة يغلبوا مائتين) قال فلما خفف الله عنهم من العدة نقص من الصبر بقدر ما خفف عنهم

"When it comes down (word of God):" If there are twenty amongst you who are steadfast they shall overcome two hundred enemy "(Al-Anfal: 65), it was heavy on Muslims, when required of them, that one people should not be running face 10 (enemy). Then came relief, Allah says: "Now God has lightened to you and you know that he has no weaknesses. So if there are among you one hundred who are patient, they shall overcome two hundred people. "(Al-Anfal: 66) When Allah has relieved of their number (an enemy that must be faced-ed), kesabaranpun reduced the size of what God has relieved from them ". [4]

how to perform sholat tahajud

Make your intention to pray known. As you start your prayer, make a definitive mental declaration to yourself that you are about to perform the Tahajjud. Decide that you are going to complete the Tahajjud in the specific way you have chosen and decide why you are saying the Tahajjud — for instance, to glorify God or ask for His forgiveness. You don't have to make this declaration out loud — God knows your thoughts, so your intentions will be clear to him as long as they are clear to you.
  • The Tahajjud is typically performed by repeating multiple rakats (cycles) of Salah, the ritual that Muslims use for their required daily prayer. For the Tahajjud, the rakats are usually performed in pairs, so you'll also want to decide exactly how many rakats you intend to say at this time. See below for more information.
Perform two rakats. To begin your Tahajjud, start by performing two rakats (cycles) of Salah. Salah begins by standing and reciting verses from the Holy Quran. Then, the person praying continues by bowing low with his hands on his knees as if waiting for God's orders, prostrating on the ground with his forehead, nose, and palms on the floor and his elbows raised, sitting on his knees with his feet folded under him, and finally standing and reciting "Allahu Akbar." This description of Salah is a generalization — if you're not sure how to perform Salah properly, learn this fundamental Muslim skill before attempting the Tahajjud.
  • To emulate the practices the Prophet Muhammad used to recite the Tahajjud, consider reciting the following surahs after each rakat:[5]
    • After reciting the Al-Fatihah the first rakat, recite the surah "Al-Kafirun".
    • After reciting the Al-Fatihah for the second rakat, recite the surah "Al-Ikhlas"
    Repeat rakats as you wish. Generally, two rakats is seen as the minimum necessary for a proper Tahajjud. However, it's possible to repeat as many more as you wish. For instance, according to the Hadiths, the Prophet Muhammad frequently prayed up to thirteen rakats during his Tahajjud.[6] For most Muslims, Tahajjud rakats are said in pairs and eight rakats is seen as plenty. In other words, most Muslims will say two, four, six, or eight rakats, though more is not necessarily discouraged.
    • Following in the example of the Prophet Muhammad, if you notice dawn approaching while you say your Tahajjud, you may end by performing one rakat as Witr (an optional pre-dawn prayer said before the required Fajr).[7]
 Add your own prayers after the rakats. After you've completed the number of rakats you set out to pray, you may add whichever of your own prayers that you wish as long as they're sincere, respectful, and done in complete devotion to God. You may want to offer additional thanks and praise to God, pray for strength and guidance, or make a special request. For instance, after completing your rakats, you may ask for good fortune for a friend or another individual who's suffering through difficult times. Any prayer you offer will be heard, and, Allah willing, your prayer will be answered in kind.

IF you become too tired to complete the Tahajjud, go back to bed. Because the Tahajjud interrupts your normal sleep, it's not unlikely that you may be somewhat tired when you attempt the prayer. If, however, you're so tired that you find yourself forgetting what you're saying as you recite your prayers or you doze off in the middle of your Tahajjud, don't attempt to complete the prayer. In this case, according to the Hadiths, God notes your sincere willingness to complete the Tahajjud. You may go back to sleep without any need to be embarrassed or ashamed.


perbedaan ukuran kertas A4 dan A4s

halo sobat ketemu lagi

kalo ente mahasiswa, pasti sering banget namanya bikin laporan. nah, biasanya yang digunakan adalah kertas A4. tapi suatu saat ane bingung, karena toko tempat ane beli kertas A4nya habis, tinggal yang A4s.

ane ga tau tuh waktu itu perbedaanya, ternyata perbedaanya ada pada lebarnya gan, ini nih perbedaan ukurannya.
A4 = 210x297mm nah klo A4s= 215x297. lebar beda 5 mm.

ok, sampai jumpa

memprediksi bakal kelamin telur ayam dan bebek (itik)

assalamaualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

sekedar sharing2 ringan gan...
kali ini ane mau sharing tentang ilmu yang ane dapt waktu KKN di temanggung tahun kemaren gan.
 waktu ane kasih penyusluhan tentang cara beternak itik yang baik ternyata masyarakat temanggung sangat antusias gan. sampe suatu saat ane kerumah oarang itu untuk sekedar sliaturahmi dan membahas peternakan itik yang dimiliki. setelah ngobrol beberapa saat ane ngobrol ringan soal pengahasilan telur itik, pemilik rumah ngasih tau ane trik unutk memprediksi bakal kelamin telur itik gan. simak nih, ini triknya.....
1. bila diteropong dengan lampu dibahnya, trus dilihat dari atas ada rongga udara ( warna gelap) tepat ditengah berarti bakal kelaminnya adalah jantan.
2 bila tidak tepat ditengah, bisa disamping kiri atau kanann sedikit biasany betina.

note: katanya trik ini mempunyai tingkat keberhasilan 70%.  silahkan dicoba sendiri


1-.daftarin paket flash ketik FLASH ON 2000 kirim ke 3636 tunggu ada balasan balas dengan FLASH YA

2-.Daftarin Lagi Paket Ultima harian pilih *363# Pilih 2, 1, 1, 1, da seterusnya

3-.Lalu ketik flash off kirim ke 3636. ada balasan "Anda akan berhenti berlangganan Paket Flash.

Ketik FLASH YA jika setuju. Tunggu SMS konfirmasi penonaktifan Paket Anda" balas dengan flash ya Anda akan mendapatkan balasan "Selamat paket Telkomsel Flash anda telah di non-aktifkn

4-.ketik UL INFO KE 3636, anda akan mendapatkan mendapatkan balasan "Sisa Fair Use Paket TSELFlash Unlimited Anda 0 MB. Berlaku s/d E99 Diskonek Modem Ingat itu baru Selamat Qos kartu anda 7,2 MBPS

------------------------menaikkan quos jadi 14Mbps --------------

*363# -> 7-8-2 Trus Ikuti Sampai Selesai
Ketik 3G Ke 3636 -> tggu sampai ad balasan
Ketik GPRS ke 6616 tunggu sampai ada balasan pengaktifan gprs

-------------------------menaikkan quos jadi 21mbps------------------------

daftari paket *363*2*2*4# ambil paket yg 1minggu

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

mengatasi laptop (HP 430) sering mati sendiri kepanasan (overheating)

assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh...
lama sudah gak ngupdate postingan blogger ane
kali ini ane mau berbagi pengalaman mengatasi laptop (HP 430) sering mati sendiri kepanasan (overheating).
laptop ane kalo kepanasan sering mati gan tapi sekarang udah gak pernah. mau tau caranya? simak gan....
   awalnya ane kira ini masalah biasa dan ane cenderung pasrah aje kalo tiba-tiba laptop mati gara2 kepanasan (overheating), sampe suatu saat ane udah sebel banget gara-gara tiap 2 menit ane harus ngidupin laptop ane yang mati. ane hidupin lagi, sama aja hasilnya cuma bertahan 2 menit habis itu mati kepanasan lagi. akhirnya ane bongkar dah laptop ane dan ane bersihin semua lubang ventilasi termasuk kipas (fan) di laptop ane. setelah itu ane pasang lagi... alhamdulillah laptopnya hidup (takut banget kirain ngga bisa hidup, maklum bisa bongkar tapi belum mahir masang hahaha). tp sama aje hasilnya, tiap 3 menit (nambah dikit waktunya) mati lagi, mati lagi. ane bongkar lagi sampe ke perkakas terahir, semua ane copot-copotin gan. motherboard bagian bawah tempat fan dan procesor ga luput dari pengbongkaran. sampe ane  buka tuh tempat fan , headsink dan procesornya... ane bersihin fannya (banyak debu yang menyerupai benang) sudah ane bersihin, tp ane mash belum yakin 100% itu penyebabnya... ahirnya ane buka tuh penyalur panas yang terbuat dari tembaga gitu dari procesornya ternyata pastanya sudah kering gan... akhirnya ane cari solusi untuk mengganti thermal pasta yang udah kering pake odol (pasta gigi). ane gunain pepsoden biasa untuk mengganti thermal pasta yg kering. cukup keluarkan dikit aja pasta gigi, tempelin ke ujung jari dan ratakan ke procesornya... udah deh tinggal pasng kembali semua yang udah ane bongkar.. alhamdulillah berhasil, laptop ane gak sering mati lagi... terimakasih pepsoden..
ini gambr motherboard ane

tips : yang penting berani dulu bongkar (resikoditanggung sendiri)